Potentials for SQL Developers with 1 to 3 Yrs of Exp

Potentials for SQL Developers with 1 to 3 Yrs of ExpJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesDesign Table structure develop stored procedures and functions based on the business requirementWork within a professional dynamic and creative development team to support the delivery of major program changes that will bring significant business benefitFacilitate delivery to end-users dependent applications and support processes (Deployment Build backup Restored databases)Prepare the database design document.Improve the Query and database performanceExperience 1 to 3 years Salary From 18K per monthQualification B.E B.Tech in Any Stream Related to ITJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiFreshers can also apply for this JobInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - 63855 and 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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