System administrator

Hiring on India pvt ltd Good news in IT Domain people hiring going on Job description OS installation using internal and external builds automated and manual OS provisioning techniques procedures and customer requirements Performing OS configuration software installations troubleshooting and issues resolution including issues related to network authentication remote access storage Performing security patching including working with users to schedule downtimeEnabling and supporting virtualization solutions in labs at both hypervisor and VMs level Lab Hardware support Hardware landing move and end-of-life including assembling and disassembling Hardware upgrades and parts replacements Firmware updates Hardware troubleshooting and issues resolution including searching for suitable replacement parts working with external vendors for on warranty systems working with internal support teams Asset tracking systems updates about lab systems status and configurationLab Monitoring services Hardware walkthrough diagnosis and resolution of found issues Perform Drive sanitizationIntegration testingSkills Requirements TCP IP knowledge with working experience to troubleshoot system network connectivity issues Windows system administration experience eg Windows client Windows ServerKnowledge and experience of virtualization solutions eg Linux system administration experience egSLES RHEL Ubuntu - will be an advantageScripting skills such as Bash Perl Python Windows PowerShell - will be an advantageAbility to build compile OS drivers and tool chains - will be an advantage mode of working has to be onsite in the Labs of SKC all 5 days of the week] Role System Administrator Engineer Industry Type IT Services & Consulting Department Engineering - Hardware & Networks Employment Type Full Time Permanent Role Category IT Network infohrmadhu23(at) 9500574819 HR-MADHU



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