no more dealing with the dogs unruly behavior you re tired of your dog running the show won t come when called there s only one solution training is available s s watch v A_lDujN-V5w s watch v 6HQH64eekpM no more chasing your dog s shorts FgJNlFbOm2s feature shares jqJ3bNXhDcU we control k9 We do require a current vaccine record from ur veterinarian. all dogs behavior control big n small
Category: Pets - Dogs
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AKC registered lab puppies. Black white and yellow Both sexes. Will be vet checked first...
Carol Hoyt
tecup Chihuahua Puppies Hi all our puppies are home trained and do well around kids...
Amazing Shiba Inus for New Homes.A KC Registered puppies with up to date on shots...
Lovely Boxer Puppies Hi all our puppies are home trained and do well around kids...
Charming Dalmatian Puppies Hi all our puppies are home trained and do well around kids...
solving your dog from behavioral issues 1393 Control Dog Control obediencia obedience trainingcomplete dogood deals...
Can go today and now. Hurry before given away . Will ship if necessary
Free 4 years old basset hounds one female and one male. Friendly and loves people...
Karen Knight
Adorable Shiba Inu Puppies Hi all our puppies are home trained and do well around...
Cute Basset Hound Puppies Hi all our puppies are home trained and do well around...