Field Mechanical Calibration Technician

We are seeking a Field Mechanical Calibration Technician for our team-oriented test and calibration equipment company located near Nashua NH.Once you are fully trained you will mostly be working independently and be responsible for calibration of inspection measurement and test equipment (IM& TE) adhering to published specifications. Performing maintenance troubleshooting and repair of precision equipment. Collecting compiling measuring summarizing and recording data gathered during calibration. Identifying IM& TE out-of-tolerance conditions and performing corrective action via adjustments component replacement correction factors etc. Preparing calibration reports and certificates. Must be willing and able to travel to our customer facilities (80%) some overnight travel is required (10%).Must have knowledge of measurement science math physics and electronics to calibrate inspection measurement and test equipment to ensure measurement accuracy. Must be able to use manual and automated measurement procedures. Must have basic MS Office and IT skills understanding of TAR TUR ISO IEC 17025 2017. Outstanding customer service problem solving time management and communication skills are required.High school diploma or equivalent is required and a minimum of one year experience in a related role.Competitive hourly rate based on experience outstanding benefits package and relocation assistance from within the Continental United States. Must be authorized to work for any employer in the United States without sponsorship now AND in the future.Please email you resume to nancy(at)



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