Charge Entry for Experienced

Charge Entry for ExperiencedLooking for Charge Entry JobsJob Description Retrieves patient demographic information and reviews to ensure accuracy and completeness.Identifies and obtains any missing information to minimize rejections.Demo Insurance pending to be sharedto leads on every week.Compile slist of pending and share to the leads on end of the day.Enter the appropriate date of service CPT diagnosiscode and provider name in the system. Follow the SOP.Transmits all necessary information to claims team for claim creation submission.Experience 1 to 4 years of experienceQualification Any Basic DegreeSalary From 18KJob Type Full Time Permanent Job.Shift Day ShiftLocation Adyar Guindy.We are currently looking for immediate joiners.Interested Candidates can give a call to the HR for the further Details.with Regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.comHR-Madhu95005and748 19



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