Manufacture assembler maintains

Job description Position Manufacturing and Assembly Engineer Exp - 2 to 5 Years in experience in manufacturing and assembly engineering preferably Qualification BE Mechanical Job Location Sholinganallur OMR Chennai Strong understanding of mechanical engineering principles manufacturing processes and quality control procedures. Proven ability to develop and optimize manufacturing and assembly methods for complex mechanical systems. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams. Strong problem-solving skills with the ability to identify and resolve manufacturing challenges. Proficiency in using relevant engineering software and tools. Job Summary Leverage your in-depth knowledge of mechanical engineering and manufacturing processes to manufacture and assembly methods for 3D printers. Responsibilities Develop and implement efficient manufacturing and assembly processes for 3D printers ensuring optimal production efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Conduct rigorous testing of 3D printers post-manufacturing to ensure adherence to quality standards and specifications. Maintain meticulous and comprehensive documentation throughout the manufacturing and assembly process for traceability and compliance purposes. Identify evaluate and select suitable vendors for the manufacturing of 3D printer components negotiating and finalizing contracts while fostering positive vendor relationships. Determine the most appropriate manufacturing methods for components considering factors such as cost quality and scalability. Provide on-site customer support for servicing requirements ensuring prompt and effective resolution of any issues. Collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams including design engineering and production to ensure seamless integration of manufacturing. with warm regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819



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