Paint Shop Engineer jobs at chennai 20 to 24 batch

Paint Shop Engineer jobs at chennai 20 to 24 batchJD Job description Overall shift responsibility for entire pretreatment shot blasting DM plant Effluent Treatment Plant and Powder coating process Plan for paint related consumables testing related materials Knowledge on chemical testing and top up chemical according to the test result Plan and execute production component loading unloading process wise manpower allocation maintain paint quality Constantly monitor and improve productivity and implement incentive scheme based on defined cycle time Drive Kaizens and cost reduction measures Daily maintenance of paint shop such as tank cleaning sludge removal Maintaining environmental requirement and proper disposal of effluent Maintaining record on water utilization also maintaining necessary safety requirements at workplace Maintain 5S Knowledge of IATF - 16949 OHSAS KAIZAN EMS Ready to work in shift duty (A B & C)Job Type Full-timePay 30k to 45k per monthBenefits Health insuranceSchedule Day shiftSupplemental pay types Performance bonusEducation Bachelor s (Preferred)Experience total work 1 year (Preferred)Work Location In personRegards NEdhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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