BARNS OF AMERICAWelcome We have what you need for your New Barn Give a call or look at our website to see what we can help you with. THESE ARE WHAT WE SELL TRUSSES BARN KITS LEANS KITS WE OFFER DELIVERY AND INSTALL WE ALSO DO FEEE QUOTES JUST GIVE A CALL When you call PLEASE Provide us with the Size of the barn kit you are interested in along withyour PHONE NUMBER EMAIL and ZIP CODE if needing a quote for delivery and or install ADDRESS 26151 SE HWY 19 OLD TOWN FL 32680 25 YEARS IN BUSINESSQuality Work and Great Customer ServiceJust Give Us a Try and We Will Be There Every Step Of The Way With Whatever Question You May Have For Us OUR OFFICE 352-356-0111 352-469-5044 FINANCING AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITEHttps www.barnsofamericainc.com LOOK AT THESE SALES24x24 3000 24x36 3800 24x48 5000 30x30 5000 30x48 6000 40x60 7000 YOU CAN CHOOSE THE HIGHT BETWEEN 8 AND 14 KIT SIZE8x16 2000. 8x24 3500. 12x12 2000. 12x24 3500 16x16 3650 WE HAVE SO MUCH MORE LEAN TO KITSKIT SIZE 1 2 PITCH12x24 2900. 12x36 3660 12x40 3900 12x48 4380 12x60 5100 GABLE TRUSS 3 12 PITCH16ft Gable 192 20ft Gable 240 24ft Gable 288 30ft Gable 360 32ft Gable 384 36ft Gable 432 40ft Gable 480 GABLE TRUSS 4 12 PITCH50ft Gable 1200.00 60ft Gable 1500.00 LEAN TO TRUSS1 12 PITCH8ft Lean To 96 10ft Lean To 120 12ft Lean To 144 14ft Lean To 168 16ft Lean to 192 18ft Lean To 216 20ft Lean To 240 24ft Lean To 288 WE CANT WAIT TO HEAR FROM YOU



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