Mechanical Engineering jobs

Mechanical engineering jobs for experienced Junior Mechcanical Engineer Needed Hi job seekers Job Description Roles& Responsiblities Product testing and evaluation completion of test reports to support design selection. Manage and drive project tasks to ensure the timely completion of goals. Product performance evaluations. Evaluating existing manufacturing processes and identifying areas for improvement. Developing and implementing cost-saving measures and quality control systems. Contribute to innovation and creativity within the team through the filing of disclosures and patents. Hold regular goal meetings and document minutes and actions. Compliance with Quality Regulatory and company policies and systems Educational qualification B.E. B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering Experience 1 - 4 years of Relevant Experience. Salary From 18K (Can be negotiable based on previous work experience) Location Sriperambathur Guindy Ambattur. Shift Day shift 8 hours of work Skillset expected 3D Modelling (Solidworks) Structural Analysis Engineering Product development cycle Basic M.S Excel warm regards infohrmadhu23(at) Madhu-HR HR- 95005 and74819



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