Quality Analyst jobs for experienced Looking for Quality Auditor or Analyst Job Description Meet daily with Team leaders Supervisor and teammates to review previous day quality results. Good and expertise knowledge in RCM Denials and AR process. Highlight potential issues in the operations to management Work closely with new hires anyone new to a process or having difficulty with errors to ensure quality work delivery in the future Trending errors to determine training opportunities May provide small group or one-on-one training cross-training Develop recommendations for corrective action based on quality issues Maintain current knowledge of billing requirements and system practices and recommend new procedures Must be able to meet established production and quality standards. Maintain and track accuracy rates for all customersKey Skills Excellent fluency in English - Proficiency & Comprehension (spoken and written) Prior experience in Travel Industry Process Relevant industry experience in Quality management Responsible for completing all assigned transaction evaluation and attending all internal and external calibration sessions as assigned. Oversee and manage performance and service quality to guarantee customer satisfaction Should have strong analytical skills be able to interpret data identify trends and make suggestions for improvementsExperience 1 to 4 years of experience Qualification Any Basic Degree Salary From 18K Job Type Full Time Permanent Job. Shift Day Shift Location ChennaiWe are currently looking for immediate joiners. Interested Candidates can give a call to the HR for the further Details.With Regards HR-95005and74819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Electrical Engineer jobs 20 to 24 batchJob Details Required Qualification Degree Diploma in Electrical &...
Quality Engineer jobs 20 to 24 batchWe are looking for Quality Line Inspector with 1-3...
Job description Develop and maintainscripts using scripting languages for Aucotec Engineering Base and AutoCAD. Customize...
Hi job seekers Job Description Lead the Quality Control for NPD as well as batch...
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Electrical Technician- job post Location Palavakkam Chennai Tamil Nadu 15 000 - 30 000 a...
Openings For Freshers in Manufacturing co at chennaiJD Job Type Permanent Qualification BE B.TECH(MECH EEE...
looking for an experienced Java developerJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesContribute to all stages of the software development lifecycleDesign...
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