Job description Develop and maintainscripts using scripting languages for Aucotec Engineering Base and AutoCAD. Customize Engineering Basesoftware and AutoCAD to meet specific project requirements or organizationalneeds. Integrate Engineering Baseand AutoCAD with other tools and systems used in the engineering workflow. Identify opportunities forprocess optimization and efficiency improvement within the engineering designand documentation workflow. Work closely withengineering teams to understand their needs and develop solutions that enhanceproductivity. Provide support resolution to issues problems raised by Engineering team while using thescripts and standards developed by our team. Train engineering teams onusing custom scripts and automation tools developed for Engineering Base. Document scriptingsolutions and processes for future reference and knowledge sharing. Actively engage the PLM(Product Lifecycle Management) and RD (Research Development) Teamsduring the stages of new product introduction in order to anticipate the toolsand systems-related needs of the operational teams.Useyour skills to move the world forward Graduate in ElectricalEngineering.4 to 6 years of relevantexperience in engineering design of Electrical Systems Proficient in the use ofthe Aucotec Engineering Base application with scripting expertise. Capable of developing andmanaging custom scripts with experience in scripting languages such asMicrosoft C and VBScript. Expertise in AutoCADsoftware with programming skills to automate tasks enhance efficiency andstreamline the design process. Should be able to create custom scripts andprograms to optimize AutoCAD workflows ensuring accuracy and compliance withproject requirements. Fair electrical domainknowledge with experience in design of Low Voltage Medium Voltage Products Provides support resolution to issues problems raised by Engineering team while using thescripts and standards developed by our team. Ability to interpretANSI NEMA UL IEC Standards related to Electrical Systems. Department Production Manufacturing & Engineering salary based upon exp its negotiable with regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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