Quality Engineer jobs 20 to 24 batchWe are looking for Quality Line Inspector with 1-3 years of Experience in auto parts manufacturing industry. Perform routine and scheduled maintenance of equipment and machinery. Diagnose issues repair faults and ensure timely solutions to urgent problems. Maintain accurate records of maintenance performed parts inventory and orders. Ensure compliance with company policies safety standards and regulatory requirements. Collaborate with the operations team to optimize machine functionality and reduce downtime. Conduct safety inspections and risk assessments on equipment and systems. Provide emergency unscheduled repairs of production equipment.Job Types Full-time PermanentPay 18k to 25k per monthLocation chennai Edu iti Dip BE BtechSchedule Day shift Rotational shiftSupplemental pay types Performance bonus Yearly bonusExperience total work 1 year (Preferred)Work Location In personRegards 89251 and 14937 Nedhra -HR
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Job description Develop and maintainscripts using scripting languages for Aucotec Engineering Base and AutoCAD. Customize...
Quality Analyst jobs for experienced Looking for Quality Auditor or Analyst Job Description Meet daily...
Hi job seekers Job Description Lead the Quality Control for NPD as well as batch...
We need a SQL Developer like youJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesCreate create and manage SQL Server databases to...
Immediate demand for a Dot Net DeveloperJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesWrite clean scalable code using .NET programming languagesTest...
Electrical Technician- job post Location Palavakkam Chennai Tamil Nadu 15 000 - 30 000 a...
Openings For Freshers in Manufacturing co at chennaiJD Job Type Permanent Qualification BE B.TECH(MECH EEE...
looking for an experienced Java developerJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesContribute to all stages of the software development lifecycleDesign...
Huge Demand for SQL Developer FreshersJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesfamiliarity with T-SQL and SQL queries for MS-SQL servers.Knowledge...
Job descriptionPosition Overview We are seeking a skilled and experienced C Developer to join our...