Production Planning and Control Engineer jobsJD Responsibilities and Duties Plan manage and oversee all elements of production in our factory Access and analyse current production methods Develop and draft an improved production process Establishes statistical confidence by identifying sample and acceptable error determining levels of confidenceGraduate Engineer Trainee Associate Engineer Junior Engineer Production Engineer Quality Inspector Technician CNC Operator DesignDepartment Production Quality Maintenance Stores QC Documentation Solid work Auto CadWork Time 8 hours Shift (Rotational)Gender Male & FemaleQualifications and Skills Diploma BE MECH EEE ECE AUTOExperience EligibleSalary 15k TO 25k (For month)Experience 10-30 % Hike of Previous SalaryDesignation GET (Graduate Engineering Trainee) and On Role job Production Engineer Quality Engineer Design EngineerRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Electrical Engineer jobs 20 to 24 batchJob Details Required Qualification Degree Diploma in Electrical &...
Quality Engineer jobs 20 to 24 batchWe are looking for Quality Line Inspector with 1-3...
Job description Develop and maintainscripts using scripting languages for Aucotec Engineering Base and AutoCAD. Customize...
Quality Analyst jobs for experienced Looking for Quality Auditor or Analyst Job Description Meet daily...
Hi job seekers Job Description Lead the Quality Control for NPD as well as batch...
We need a SQL Developer like youJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesCreate create and manage SQL Server databases to...
Immediate demand for a Dot Net DeveloperJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesWrite clean scalable code using .NET programming languagesTest...
Electrical Technician- job post Location Palavakkam Chennai Tamil Nadu 15 000 - 30 000 a...
Openings For Freshers in Manufacturing co at chennaiJD Job Type Permanent Qualification BE B.TECH(MECH EEE...
looking for an experienced Java developerJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesContribute to all stages of the software development lifecycleDesign...