BPO Quality Analyst jobs at chennai

BPO Quality Analyst jobs at chennai Job descriptionJob Title BPO Quality AnalystExperience 0 -4 years (at least 2 years of experience into Quality Analyst)Mandates 1. Fulltime Graduation 2. Any languageJob Type PermanentWork Location chennaiSalary 13k to 20k Shift Day ShiftResponsibilities Evaluate and monitor the performance of BPO agents to ensure they meet quality standards.Provide constructive feedback and coaching to agents for continuous improvement.Analyze data from quality assessments to identify trends and areas for enhancement.Collaborate on process improvement initiatives to enhance efficiency.Assist in designing and delivering training programs for agent development.Ensure agents comply with industry regulations and standards.Investigate and address the root causes of quality issues.Analyze customer feedback to identify areas for service improvement.Maintain accurate records of quality evaluations and improvement initiatives.Establish an ongoing process for. continuous monitoring and improvement.Collaborate with various departments to align quality initiatives with business goals.Previous experience in a BPO quality role.Strong analytical and communication skills.Knowledge of industry regulationsGraduate (Fulltime)Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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