Design engineering creo

DescriptionDesign and development of modular switch product range s Using Creo for creating 2D drafting and 3D modeling Creating BOM assembly drawings packaging KLD s labels and printing artworks Documentation management and control Creating BOM assembly drawings packaging KLD s labels and printing artworks Exp 3-4 yrs salary 25-40k location Ambattur Number of vaccany 4 Complete involvement in development of any part and product Incorporate standards requirement into design Prototype evaluations and reporting Parts evaluation and reporting Data management in Windchill or PLM for Design activities Skillsets Required Complete knowledge of modular switch product range s Experience of working on PLM (Windchill) Conversant with 2D drafting and 3D modeling using softwares like Creo and the equivalent Complete knowledge of plastic and sheet metal part design Complete knowledge of assembly integration Knowledge of commodities like steel brass plastics packaging hardwares contact rivets and the like Knowledge of processes like moulding stamping assembly testing painting cubic printing PPAP best regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819



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