Autocad Designer jobs for mechanical engineer

Autocad Designer jobs for mechanical engineer JD Producing quality goods on a large scale using machinery and labor Sorting and packaging of products Prepare high quality innovative and functional design Go on site visits to meet clients It is a Full Time Architect Interior Designer job for candidates with 0 - 1 years of experience.Key Responsibilities Develop detailed drawings for mechanical devices using AutoCAD software. Collaborate with engineers and designers to understand project requirements and objectives. Ensure that all mechanical designs comply with industry and engineering standards. Revise and modify designs based on feedback from the engineering team. Produce technical drawings for components ensuring accuracy and precision. Contribute to the creation of technical documentation and reports related to mechanical designs. Participate in design review meetings and provide input on design improvements. Stay updated on the latest design software and technology trends in the industry. Work closely with the manufacturing team to ensure seamless production processes. Provide support in the development of prototype models and testing procedures. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure successful project completion. Adhere to project timelines and deliver high-quality design outputs within deadlines. Contribute to continuous improvement initiatives in the design and engineering processes.Edu Dip BE (MECH)Exp 0 to 4 yrsLocation chennaiSalary 15k to 40kRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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