Production Manager Manufacturing Engineering jobs

Production Manager Manufacturing Engineering jobs Production Manager - Sheet MetalRoles And Responsibilities Manage the sheet metal production process from start to finish. Plan and allocate resources to ensure efficient production operations. Coordinate with suppliers vendors and internal teams to ensure timely delivery of materials. Monitor production output quality and costs to identify areas for improvement. Develop and implement strategies to optimize productivity and minimize waste. Ensure compliance with safety and quality standards. Supervise and train production staff to meet performance goals. Collaborate with engineering and. design teams to enhance product designs and processes. Troubleshoot production issues and implement necessary corrective actions. Prepare production reports and present findings to management.Qualifications And Skills Bachelor s degree in Mechanical Engineering or a related field. Proven experience as a Production Manager in the sheet metal industry. Strong knowledge of sheet metal fabrication processes and equipment. Proficient in using CAD software and other relevant production tools. Excellent leadership and decision-making skills. Ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with cross-functional teams. Strong problem-solving and analytical abilities. Attention to detail and commitment to quality. Knowledge of safety regulations and best practices. Experience with lean manufacturing principles is a plus Edu Dip BE Exp 9 to 10 Salary 40k to 60k Location Chennai Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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