BIG DREAM YARD SALE 419 Bourne Ave.Palm Beach building in back Aug. 23-24 8am-6pm. Adult clothes 1-kids .50 furniture toys glassware etc. Money goes to Living Bread Soup Kitchen and the community gets real good deals.If you would like to set up & sell your items along side with us just let Gina Gaylor know & she will put you on the list. Bring your own table CHARGE is 10................
Category: Garage Sales
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Discover how two hours can lead to 900 daily. No monthly expenses just pure earnings...
FRIDAY- SATURDAY September 6-7 the 22nd Annual Humphreys County Yard Sale - Waverly McEwen New...
Daryl Mosley
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Massive clothes still with tags from suits dresses shoes furniture bicycles treadmill Augu 9th and...
Tina Zirkle
I m a gadget and tool guy that has to liquidate all my things.. I...
New Still In Box Owleez Only 12.00 They re 38.99 At Walmart. 3 To 6...
Mike F Fatcheric
I Have Way Too Much Lots Of One Of A Kinds For You Make Me...
Mike F Fatcheric
I Have Collectibles Clothes Games Angels Bottles And More All Cheap. Look For A 2006...
Mike F Fatcheric