Production Supervisor jobs at chennai

Production Supervisor jobs at chennaiJob description JOB DETAILS 1.Helps manufacturing staff achieve company goals by communicating expectations planning monitoring and evaluating job results 2.Enforces company policies and guidelines 3.Recruits hires and trains employees 4.Assists workers by offering personal growth opportunities 5.Implements cost-saving strategies and techniques 6.Ensures that production plans are completed by a certain time 7.Contacts appropriate sources for repair issues 8.Counsels employees on how to achieve an optimal output or workflow 9.Resolves issues and disputes between manufacturing employees 10.Creates and maintains professional schedules 11.Communicates with and assists other manufacturing departments as needed 12.Evaluates the condition of production equipment 13.Maintains a clean and safe environment for all workers 14.Compiles and analyzes production recordsEdu Dip BE Salary 32k to 45kLocation Chennai Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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