production planning executive jobs at chennai 2024 We are seeking a Production Planning Executive Rubber Product Executive to join our team. The ideal candidate will have 1-2 years of experience in the job market context of India with a strong understanding of production planning and rubber product manufacturing processes.Responsibilities Develop production plans and schedules based on customer demand and inventory levels Work with production team to ensure timely and efficient manufacturing of rubber productsMonitor and analyze production data to identify areas for improvement Collaborate with cross-functional teams to develop new product designs and improve existing products Ensure compliance with safety and quality standards Skills and Qualifications Bachelor s degree in engineering or related field1-2 years of experience in production planning and rubber product manufacturing Strong knowledge of production planning software and tools Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams Knowledge of safety and quality standards in rubber product manufacturing Exp 0 to 3 yrsEdu ITI Dip BE Location ChennaiSalary 15k to 30kRegards Nedhra - HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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