Maintenance Engineer jobs 2024JOB ROLE MaintenanceEDUCATION DIPLOMA M B.E (MECHANICAL EEE)EXPERIENCE FRESHER - 1 YRSLOCATION CHENNAISALARY 18k MONTHCONTACT HRNedhra -HR89251 and 14937Job Type Full-timeBenefits Health insuranceSchedule Day shiftExperience total work 1 year (Preferred)Work Location chennai
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Job description Role & responsibilities Hiring on Mechanical engineering Preparing purchase orders and quotation. Compare...
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MD Global HR Consulting is a top placement agency in Faridabad, known for providing the...
DescriptionGreetings of the day Hiring on Electronic communication Bachelor s or master s degree in...
HV AC TECHNICIANSResponsibilities Discuss various options with clients when it comes to heating and cooling...
Job description responsible for inspecting and or testing products before during and after the manufacturing...
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