Plasma Oxy Fuel Cutting Machine OperatorPay 18 (Depending on experience)Hours Monday-Friday 3 30PM-1AMJob type Temp to hire.Location Tulsa OklahomaJob Description We are seeking a dedicated individual to operate a Plasma burn table for cutting 3 7-inch steel. The role requires proficiency in using an overhead crane and the ability to operate a digital CNC control panel to program cuts. The ideal candidate should demonstrate a strong willingness to learn and the capability to work independently. This position is crucial as it replaces a retiring team member so commitment and reliability are essential.Requirements Must have at least 1-2 years experience to be considered. Must pass BG check and pass a 10-panel drug screening.Job Order 118732Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionApplication Time 7 00 A.M. to 3 00 P.M. Monday-FridayTulsa Office Locations 1531 East 2nd Street Tulsa Oklahoma 741204305 South Mingo Road Suite F Tulsa Oklahoma 741466321 E Admiral Place Tulsa Oklahoma 74115Claremore Office Location 507 E Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore Oklahoma 74017Walk-ins always welcome 50 advance available after your first day of workAlternatively You may submit your resume to Resume(at)standbypersonnel.comReferral Bonus 125 for referring a Skilled Division employee and 200 for referring a Welding Division CNC Machinist after 80 hours of work.
Category: Employment & Jobs
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