Realize Your Aspirations Apply now to begin working

Realize Your Aspirations Apply now to begin workingJob DescriptionResponsibilities Capable of overseeing invoices guaranteeing correctness and prompt processing. Complete a range of accounting duties. Keep up bookkeeping records preferably with prior experience in accounts receivable and payable. Internal monitoring to guarantee timely creation and monitoring with the client to obtain payment prior to the deadline. Take care of purchasing and sales ledgers. Utilize notebooks and spreadsheets. Check and confirm that the records payments and amounts are accurate. Show that you are proficient with both Zoho Invoice and Tally. Have excellent verbal and writing communication skills. Have a strong grasp of Microsoft Office especially Excel.Role Accounts ExecutiveExperience FreshersQualification Any Degree related to AccountsSalary From 12K per MonthLocation ChennaiJob Type Full time Permanent JobWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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