Bulk Hiring Going On For Web Development Job Description ResponsibilitiesCreate and manage responsive websites with HTML CSS and JavaScript Verify the technical viability of UX UI design Optimize websites for optimal speed and scalability Adhere to and uphold web design best practices and standards.Together with designers back-end developers and other stakeholders work closely to build seamless online experiences. Take part in code reviews and give constructive criticism to peers. Work as a team to find and repair problems and performance issues.By training studying and experimenting you should always strive to increase your knowledge and abilities.Experience 1 to 3 yrs Salary Based on Previous work experienceLocation ChennaiQualification B.E B.Tech IT or RelatedJob Type Full Time Permanent Job With Regards HR - 63855 80670
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Job description Based on recruiter search Roles and Responsibilities Drive company vehicles safely and efficiently...
Hiring on Payment posting Medical care Healthcare Industry 1. Resolve patient and provider billing inquiries...
Solid work job hiringDear job seekers Greetings of the day Experience Fresh Experience 0 2...
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