Calm Weimaraner Puppies Hi all our puppies are home trained and do well around kids and domestic pets.We have Girl Boys 11wks Shots Updated with papers.For Inquiries Text 305-998-5002
Category: Pets - Dogs
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Gods CreationsIf You Are Interested In One of Our AKC Puppies Calls are only Excepted520-222-5842...
Gods Creations
Gods CreationsIf You Are Interested In One of Our AKC Puppies Calls are only Excepted...
Gods Creations
we potty train your dog to use the bathroom outdoor socialization distraction Control Dog Control...
This bunch of joy is ready to go today and now. Need more details on...
Low profile man seeking lady who like having a person cleaning after her dog
Still have males available. Full breed with CKC registered papers and will have first shots...
Shots dewormed accessories and a GSD Tshirt are included. Please feel free to reach out...
Stunning Bichon Friese PuppiesThey have been fully vet checked and have had their first vaccinations...
X-mas giveaway. Respond to my ad now Shipping and door step delivery within the USA...