Personal Drivers needed in ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesDriving experience with automatic transmissionsa track record of success in a personal assistant or related position with a focus on driving.a current driver s license and a spotless driving history.knowledge of the routes local roads and traffic patterns.exceptional organizing and time management abilities.Heavy or Badge License is MustRole DriverExperience 2 to 5 yrsSalary From 20K per monthJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Electrical Engineer job 20 to 24 batchJob Type Permanent Qualification BE B.TECH MECH EEE ECE...
Unemployment has no room in this worldJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesDriving experience with automatic transmissionsa track record of...
Fitter hiring in constructional areas Hi location - chennai Salary- Negotiable based on experience. Job...
Jobs for Fullstack Python Programmers AvailableJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesLarge-scale distributed system architecture development and maintenance are expected...
Job description Hiring For AR Caller- Medical Billing Job Location Mohali Chandigarh Salary 20-22k Qualification...
Job description Production 1. Creating production schedules assessing project and resource requirements and ensuring manufacturing...
Job description Designing and building responsive and mobile-friendly websites optimised for different devices and browsers...
Job description Based on recruiter search Roles and Responsibilities Drive company vehicles safely and efficiently...
Hiring on Payment posting Medical care Healthcare Industry 1. Resolve patient and provider billing inquiries...
Solid work job hiringDear job seekers Greetings of the day Experience Fresh Experience 0 2...