Barns of America

Barns of America Where we make your dreams become your reality Commercial or residential. For more information feel free to visit our website at You can also give us a call or stop by our office Stop by and see us 26151 Se Hwy 19 Old Town FL 32680 (across from the post office in Old Town )Give us a call Harvey Jordan (owner) (352) 578-5710 Office (352) 469-5044 OR (352) 356-0111ASK ABOUT OUR DEALS Price Examples of our Larger Kits 24x84 7500 24x120 10 500 24x180 15 500 24x240 19 500 30x84 8500 30x120 13 500 30x180 16 500 30x240 21 500 36x84 9000 36x120 12 500 36x180 18 000 36x240 23 500 40x84 10 500 40x120 15 000 40x180 22 500 40x240 30 000 50x84 15 500 50x120 21 500 50x180 30 500 50x240 39 500 We have affordable financing available (easily apply on our website ) Perfect for --> Custom garage Shed Horse Barn Covered or Completely Enclosed RV Storage Facility Open Pavillion Boat Storage Hay Barn Mobile Home Roof OverWe look forward to hearing from you Let s get to work



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