Aiding The Excellent To Become The Best

Aiding The Excellent To Become The BestJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesOversee daily office operations including scheduling appointments and meetings organizing files and processing correspondence. Maintain strong relationships with external stakeholders such as partners government organizations and regulatory bodies. Handle the administration of permits and licenses by managing new applications reviewing and verifying application information and ensuring the issuance renewal and updating of licenses and permits as required by regulations while maintaining accurate records. Conduct regular compliance and regulatory audits to ensure all permissions and licenses are in place. Expertise in managing the university affiliation process including the preparation and submission of necessary documentation. Create and maintain a comprehensive record of all licensing-related activities and provide reports on compliance licensing status and other relevant data. Manage regulatory issues by coordinating and communicating with the legal and compliance teams.Role Admin Executive Experience 1 to 4 yrsQualification Any Basic Degree and MBASalary From 18K per MonthLocation ChennaiJob Type Full time Permanent JobWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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