Engineer Mechanical jobs at chennai 2024JD Job Responsibilities Responsibilities for this position include but are not limited to the following. This role is being envisaged for an Engineer within Mechanical Design & Development of Power Electronic products and Solutions that would be required to deliver New Product Development (NPD) projectsKey Tasks Design visualization efforts with 3D CAD models and essential component and assembly details to explore multiple design options Developing innovative designs to meet all requirements for performance reliability cost and manufacturability Developing engineering design concepts for components and electromechanical assemblies that have stringent requirements for size precision reliability and cost Perform simple analytical modeling simulation and analysis at parts sub system and product levels using simulation software on areas of Thermal Structural and vibration simulations. Perform high level of tolerance stack up calculations and use Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing. Preparation presentation of design analysis reports and part assembly drawing reviews with internal and global stakeholders like SCM Product Management Service etc. Develop product component test and purchase specifications and perform Mechanics related engineering and Approval plan tests related to components and products and ensure timely test reports are made and submitted for review. Coordinate with suppliers vendors on parts sub systems systems manufacturing qualification and documentation Create detail drawings and communicate with suppliers during prototype developmentSuccess Criteria s Assigned activities Vs Deliverables (Quality Time and Cost) Meet the agreed Performance Agreement Vs Criteria to be measured Since the job is in Product Development Center the candidate has to acquire knowledge skills continuously on latest trends and technologies within Mechanics applicable for Motor Drivesthe candidate should have willingness to travel within in India and any other parts of the world if required for training competency building prototype testingBackground & Skills Minimum Requirements To Educational Background Essential B.E (Mechanical Engineering) Desirable ME on CAD CAM (or) Engineering DesignMinimum Requirements To Working Experience Experience of 0 to 3 years with proven Mechanical design and development track record and demonstrated experience in following essential areas. EssentialPro E and PDM linkBus bars and cablesIndustry StandardsSafety regulationsRegards NEdhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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