REQUIRED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS jobs chennai 2024JD Job SummaryThe Electrical Engineer will be responsible for Electrical control panel wiring and Electrical circuit Diagram . Responsibilities and DutiesThis position is responsible for the physical assembly wiring and testing of control panels for industrial equipment. Mounting of components to back panels and enclosures. Routing and bundling of wire and cables neatly to meet wiring standards. Point to point wiring of relays controls PLCs I O Modules VFDs Interfaces. Troubleshoot panels as needed to eliminate wiring errors and components. Communicates effectively with all team members. A high standard of quality and attention to detail. Perform other duties as assigned or as needed. Key Skills Electrical control panel wiring and Electrical circuit Diagram knowledge. Basics PLC VFDs knowledge. Basic computer skills.Qualifications BE EEE DEEEExperience 1 or 2 years experience in Electrical Panel wiringJob Type Full-timeWork Location In chennai Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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