Production LaborerPay 11 hr.Hours 7AM-Until FinishedJob Type Temp-HireLocation Miami OklahomaJob Description The production laborer performs duties in the outdoor composting area of the mushroom growing facility including lifting and dumping spawn and supplement sacks moving compost racks laying and folding nets and preparing nets for pulling. Responsibilities also involve occasional forklift use washing down equipment and conveyor belts performing basic equipment checks and maintenance and operating turners front-end loaders and other large machinery. Additionally the role includes applying supplements and raw materials to crops monitoring machine performance operating and maintaining farm machinery and cleaning the work area upon completion of tasks. Moving bins and trays with a forklift is also required.Job Order 116707Stand-By Personnel You may submit your resume to Resume(at)
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Joshua Jobbe
Process Technician Blow Molding (2nd shift) - Akron Ohio - JOB 24-00581Salary Range 49K -...
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A customer service representative (CSR) is the first point of contact for customers who have...
Choice1 Temps
Mechanic Jr. level (2nd shift) - SW Cleveland Ohio - JOB 24-00610Salary Range 22.00 -...
How to ApplyYou must apply at s mshw5ncu by September 6. NCDOT is a...
Julie Dunn
Equal Opportunity Employer Minority Female Disability VeteranWhat is the value of a WM job The...
Waste Management
Project Manager Coordinator (Metal Fabrication) - Cleveland Ohio - JOB 24-00688Salary Range 60K - 70K...
Mold Repair Technician (2nd or 3rd Shift) - Inspect Troubleshoot & Repair - Akron OH...