Job Vacancies for Backend Officer in Banking Sector

Job Vacancies for Backend Officer in Banking SectorJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesoverseeing all activities connected to sales.managing a large number of consumer inquiries while offering each caller excellent service.maintaining track of sales orders to make sure they are scheduled and delivered on time.interacting with clients in a courteous and professional manner.placing orders and seeing to it that things are delivered to clients.aiding the field sales group.doing administrative duties such as information processing data entry paperwork completion and document filing.resolving any consumer concerns pertaining to sales.satisfying the Sales Department s administrative requirements.Role Back end OfficerExperience FreshersQualification Any Basic DegreeSalary From 12K per MonthLocation ChennaiJob Type Full time Permanent JobWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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