Amazing Position Available for DB Architect

Amazing Position Available for DB ArchitectJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesWork together to gather requirements and establish technical specifications for Dataverse-based applications and solutions with business analysts stakeholders and other team members.To support the organization s data model and business processes customize and configure Dataverse entities fields relationships forms views and business rules.Utilizing Power Automate and Dataverse integrations implement and automate business processes and workflows.Provide support for the creation of applications with Power Apps and other Microsoft tools.Experience 0 to 5 yearsQualification B.E B.Tech Degree in IT or RelatedSalary From 15K per month negotiable based on ExperienceJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation Kolathur Korattur ChennaiInterested Candidates can contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - 63855 and 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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