Job description Envirotech Services is looking for BMS Operators to join our dynamic team and embark on a rewarding career journey Operators play a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation of various systems and processes within an organization They are responsible for monitoring equipment performing routine maintenance tasks and responding to any issues that may arise during operations Here s a detailed breakdown of their responsibilities Key Responsibilities Monitor Equipment Operators are responsible for monitoring various types of equipment such as machinery production lines or computer systems to ensure they are functioning properly Perform Routine Maintenance Operators perform routine maintenance tasks on equipment to ensure optimal performance and prevent breakdowns This may include cleaning lubricating and adjusting machinery as needed Troubleshoot Issues When equipment malfunctions or operational issues arise Operators are responsible for troubleshooting the problem to identify the root cause and implement solutions to resolve it promptly Ensure Safety Operators adhere to safety protocols and procedures to maintain a safe working environment They may conduct safety inspections implement safety measures and respond to any safety concerns or incidents Maintain Records Operators maintain accurate records of equipment performance maintenance activities and any issues encountered during operations This documentation is essential for tracking maintenance schedules and identifying trends or recurring issues Coordinate with Team Members Operators collaborate with other team members such as maintenance technicians supervisors and quality control personnel to coordinate activities and address operational needs effectively Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Operators follow established standard operating procedures (SOPs) and guidelines to ensure consistency and compliance with industry regulations and quality standards Continuous Improvement Operators actively participate in process improvement initiatives by providing feedback suggesting improvements and implementing best practices to enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness Role Repair and Maintenance Industry Type Facility Management Services Department Administration & Facilities infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU
Category: Employment & Jobs
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