EI inspector and quality

Job description Job Summary We are looking for E & I Draftsman having experience in Water pumping station Waste water pumping station and Waste water treatment project industry for preparing & checking Equipment layouts for WPS IPS WTP ETP and STP civil assignment drawings and foundation detail drawings for both static and rotary equipment s. Desired Skills Proficient in using CAD software such as AutoCAD Plant 3D or other relevant drafting tools. Visualize and correlate cross functional requirements of mechanical piping electrical & instrumentation process etc. Knowledge of instrumentation and control system components including sensors actuators and control devices will be added advantage Roles and Responsibility Prepare detailed drawings and schematics for instrumentation and control systems. Develop Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P& IDs) loop diagrams and wiring. Prepare Equipment layouts with though knowledge of P& ID reading and its interpretation. Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all drawings and revisions. Role Hardware - Other UG B.Tech B.E. in Mechanical Civil Electrical Diploma in Civil Mechanical Electrical with warm regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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