Production engineering jobs for fresher and exp 2024Job Description Companies Hiring For JBM Sakura Auto parts Lucas-TVS Flextronics Seyon Auto parts Perfect Equipment KIML RANEQualification B.E B.TECH (Mech EEE ECE Auto & Chemical)Work Area Production Quality Maintenance DesignDesignation GET GAT Neem Trainee On RoleSalary 15k to 17k per monthESI PF availableFood & Transport will be providedWALK-IN-INTERVIEWInterview date DIRECT WALK-INInterview Time 10 am - 4 pmRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937All the best
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Job description Job Summary We are looking for E & I Draftsman having experience in...
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AR Calling Freshers only ApplyJob DescriptionExperience Freshers can only ApplySalary From 15K per monthQualification Any...
Hi Job Seekers Process Associate Responsibilities Direct and coordinate all manufacturing and production operations including...
Job description Envirotech Services is looking for BMS Operators to join our dynamic team and...
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Job description The role of a civil engineer is multifaceted and can vary based on...
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