Job description Role & responsibilities Outline the day-to-day responsibilities for this role. Preferred candidate profile Specify required role expertise previous job experience or relevant certifications. Perks and benefits Mention available facilities and benefits the company is offering with this job Role Technical Operations (Tech Ops) Operate and maintain diesel generators. Monitor generator performance and troubleshoot issues. Perform routine maintenance and repairs. Ensure compliance with safety standards. Maintain detailed logs and records of operations. Coordinate with the maintenance team for major repairs. Conduct regular inspections and tests. Operate and maintain diesel generators. Monitor generator performance and troubleshoot issues. Perform routine maintenance and repairs. Ensure compliance with safety standards. Maintain detailed logs and records of operations. Coordinate with the maintenance team for major repairs. Conduct regular inspections and tests. Qualification any basic graduate Location chennai Exp 3-5 YRS Salary 25-35k based on experience with warm regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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