Accounts Executive Job for Experienced Candidates

Accounts Executive Job for Experienced CandidatesJob descriptionResponsibilitiesmaintaining accurate general ledgers and keeping track of financial transactions.handling and balancing bills receipts and bank statements.controlling the receivables and payables. checking the accuracy of financial data and carrying out bank reconciliations.preparing financial statements such as cash flow income and balance sheets.pursuing unpaid invoices and collecting unpaid amounts.making sure that pertinent financial norms and regulations are followed.supporting year-end and month-end closing procedures.preparing income tax returns and fulfilling compliance obligations.GST Return preparation and submission Compiling and submitting TDS Returns helping with both external and internal audits. Experience 1 to 3 yrs Salary Based on Previous work experienceLocation ChennaiQualification b.Com BBA M.Com CA or relatedJob Type Full Time Permanent Job With Regards HR - 63855 80670



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