Accounts and Finance Executive Job Openings

Accounts and Finance Executive Job Openings Job Description Responsibilities Thorough understanding of accounting rules procedures and principles. Expertise in utilizing Microsoft Office particularly Excel and accounting applications. Outstanding precision and attention to detail. Excellent problem-solving and analytical abilities. Capable communication abilities for working with clients vendors and team members. The capacity to manage several projects with deadlines and operate autonomously. It s advantageous to be familiar with tax laws and compliance standards. Putting together the MIS report. Balance sheet and profit and loss account reconciliation. Knowledge in filing TDS and GST forms. Previous experience organizing with auditors. Bank transfer and general ledger experience. Proven track record of creating sales orders and invoices. Role Account Executive Or Finance Executive Experience 1 to 3 yrs Qualification Any Basic Degree related to Accounts or Finance Salary From 18K per month Job Type Full Time Permanent Job Location Chennai 24 Batch can also Apply for this Position Warm Regards HR - Preetha 63855 80670 infohrpreetha29(at)



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