Store Manager jobs at chennai 2024Salary Range Rs. 15k - Rs. 20k based on skills experience and interview performanceEducational Requirement 12th ITI Dip Work Arrangement Work From OfficeGender Preference Both male and female can applySkills Requirement No predefined skills necessaryExperience Requirement FresherLocation chennai Working Hours Monday to SaturdayRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Back Office Executive Job Vacancies for Ambattur Job DescriptionResponsibilitiesHandle and resolve customer inquiries requests and...
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ECE Graduates needed for Production EngineerJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesPurchase Orders and Work Orders Record-keeping.interprets work orders complies...
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Jr Account Executive Job Openings for FreshersJob DescriptionResponsibilitieskeeping accurate general ledgers and logging financial transactions.processing...
Job description Hiring on International voice processing - Handle inbound calls from healthcare providers to...
Accounts Executive Opening for Manufacturing IndustryJob Description Responsible to deliver annual quarterly & monthly sales...
Job description Role Associate Sales Consultant - Tele caller Role Description 1) Assisting customers in...