Mechanical Engineer Injection Molding 2024

Mechanical Design Engineer jobs at chennai 20 and 24CAD Tool Very strong experience in Creo - Part Assy Sheet metalPDM Tool WindchillExperience Minimum 5-10 years of experienceQualification B.E. B. Tech in Mechanical EngineeringRequirements - Experience in Mechanical Design Engineering.- Experience in sheet metal design.- Good skills in 3D concept development 2D development drawings a must.- Understand the customer requirements and suggest alternative feasible concepts.- Manufacturing knowledge of various manufacturing processes like sheet metal operations welding & machining.- Able to own the complete product lifecycle (from concept to manufacturing) and able to interact with stakeholders to get signoff.- Very good knowledge in the reusability of functional similar parts between different machines.- BOM preparation manufacturing drawings & Drawing standard knowledge.- Very good experience in Structural and Model analysis.- Hands-on experience in Windchill (PDM tools).- Strong knowledge of GD& T Tolerance analysis and manufacturing process.- Knowledge in Engineering Change Order Processes & expertise in mechanical hardware selection.- Shall lead the team and drive the project.- Should have very strong communication skills and team-handling skillsRegards Nedhra -HR89251 and 14937



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