Accounts Executive Opening for Manufacturing Industry

Accounts Executive Opening for Manufacturing IndustryJob Description Responsible to deliver annual quarterly & monthly sales target and drive annual growthLead generation and procuring new clients business in assigned regionDeveloping and sustaining solid relationships with key clients with high revenue.Developing a thorough understanding of key clients needs and requirements and preparing customized solutions. Suggesting upgrades or added products and services that may be of interest to clients and company.Acting as the main point of contact between key clients and internal teams. Addressing and resolving key clients complaints.Experience 0 to 4 yearsQualification Any Basic DegreeSalary From 12K per monthLocation Guindy SriperumbudurJob Type Full time Permanent Job Immediate Joiners are mostly preferable24 Batch students can also apply for this jobWith Regards HR- 63855 and 80670.



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