HarvesterPay 11 hr.Hours 7AM-Until FinishedJob Type Temp-to-HireLocation Miami OklahomaJob Description The Harvester must have the ability to work independently and productively with minimal supervision as well as collaboratively as part of a team. Responsibilities include daily cleaning of growing rooms floors and equipment wrapping labeling and moving pallets scanning labels with a hand-held scanner stacking cartons on pallets wrapping products and moving pallets with a pallet jack. Additional duties encompass general housekeeping moving bins and trays with a forklift and performing other related tasks as requested. This role requires adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for safe machine and tool use Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for food processing. Accurate completion of daily logs and reports according to SOPs is also essential.Job Order 116708Stand-By Personnel You may submit your resume to Resume(at)standbypersonnel.com
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Process Technician Blow Molding (2nd shift) - Akron Ohio - JOB 24-00581Salary Range 49K -...
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A customer service representative (CSR) is the first point of contact for customers who have...
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How to ApplyYou must apply at s tinyurl.com mshw5ncu by September 6. NCDOT is a...
Julie Dunn
Equal Opportunity Employer Minority Female Disability VeteranWhat is the value of a WM job The...
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