CNC Machinist

CNC Machinist Turn - Streetsboro OH - JOB 24-006253rd Shift OperationsUnionHourly Rate 29.77 HR with a 1.50 shift premium - Permanent Position with Benefits Our client a market leader for seamless forged steel and non-ferrous metal rings located in the Streetsboro Ohio area is seeking a CNC Turn Machinist. Key duties include Machine set-up along with program downloading and editing fluency. Fanuc control knowledge with use of G& M codes. Tooling verification and work shift setting from programming. Quality machine tools (supplied) to inspect machined components. Review of speeds and feeds to yield quality parts. Maintain a safe working environment.Requirements High School Diploma or GED Must Machining experience. Experience with Bullard LTV preferred. Comprehensive understanding of tooling. Fanuc control knowledge with use of G& M codes Knowledge of Turning and Drilling tools and the features the tooling will generate. Must be able to read blueprints. GD& T knowledge is required. Drawing datum understanding. Knowledge of electronic equipment and computer hardware and software. Must have strong communication skills. (written & verbal) Must be detail-oriented and have good listening skills. Must have good problem-solving and decision-making skills. PPE must be always worn including Toe Protection. Noise Levels exceed 70 decibels so mandatory hearing protection is in effect. Due to the nature of machine operations eye protection is also mandatory. Must have good math skills. (Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Division of fractions and decimals. Must be knowledgeable of metric conversions including knowledge and ability to apply basic algebra plane geometry. Candidates are required to pass a Criminal Background Check and a 10 Panel Drug Screen.Only U.S. Citizens or persons with a Green Card work permit may apply. Due to the large number of resumes we expect to receive only the most qualified candidates will be contacted. We will retain all other resumes for any future job considerations.Integrity Technical Services Inc. 14 Whitehall Drive Suite 102 Akron Ohio 44278 Toll Free 1-888-262-3226 Akron 330-633-6500 Cleveland 440-257-3232 Website (To view all our open positions please visit our website) Integrity Technical Services Inc. does not charge a fee for finding anyone a job. Integrity Technical Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer.



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