Job Openings for Junior Accounts Executive

Job Openings for Junior Accounts Executive Job Description Maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records including invoices receipts payments and expenses.Input financial data into the accounting software system and ensure proper coding and categorization.Prepare and issue invoices to clients accurately and in a timely manner.Monitor and follow up on outstanding payments and maintain a healthy cash flow.Collaborate with the sales team to address any invoicing discrepancies or issues.Process vendor invoices review for accuracy and ensure timely payments.Reconcile vendor statements and resolve discrepancies with suppliers. Experience 0 to 4 yearsQualification Any Basic DegreeSalary From 12K per monthLocation ChennaiJob Type Full time Permanent Job Immediate Joiners are mostly preferable24 Batch students can also apply for this jobWith Regards HR- 63855 and 80670.



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