opportunity for helper designation

Hi Job seekers Grab the opportunity for helper designationResponsibilities for general helper Assistance with putting away groceries using the First In First Out (FIFO) method Maintains cleanliness of the kitchen and dining area as required Assists with inventory as required Assists with washing dishes posts glasses cups and kitchen equipment as required Prepares sandwiches and salads under the guidance of the first or second cookQualifications Prior work experience in a warehouse or manufacturing environment is a plus Knowledge of Lean working knowledge of Kan Ban principles product component knowledge and assembly processes 3 years of experience in a remote environment or previous experience as a Room Attendant Location poondamali Chennai Experience 3 years Salary 18000 Accommodation Room free facility available With regards Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com Madhu-HR 95005and74819Hi Job seekers Grab the opportunity for helper designationResponsibilities for general helper Assistance with putting away groceries using the First In First Out (FIFO) method Maintains cleanliness of the kitchen and dining area as required Assists with inventory as required Assists with washing dishes posts glasses cups and kitchen equipment as required Prepares sandwiches and salads under the guidance of the first or second cookQualifications Prior work experience in a warehouse or manufacturing environment is a plus Knowledge of Lean working knowledge of Kan Ban principles product component knowledge and assembly processes 3 years of experience in a remote environment or previous experience as a Room Attendant Location poondamali Chennai Experience 3 years Salary 18000 Accommodation Room free facility available With regards Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com Madhu-HR 95005and74819



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