Production Mechanical Engineer jobs at chennai 2024JD Job description The ideal candidate will be responsible for designing product and industry knowledge. You will work in a team-oriented environment that accelerates operational efficiency.Responsibilities Develop coordinate and monitor all aspects of the product Customize design to meet the specific needs of the agriculture sector. Provide regular project updates and actively engage in team discussions. Suggest methods to improve operational efficiency Work cross-functionally with different teams and organizationsQualifications Bachelor s degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent Ability to read and understand designs and schematics Familiarity with CAD software and simulation tools Strong problem solving and critical thinking skills Ability to multi-task organize and prioritize work Edu ITI Dip BEExp 0 to 5 yrsLocation chennai salary 15k to 30kRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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