Accountant immediate job openings

Accountant immediate job openings As an Accountant at Sacred Needs you will play a vital role in managing our financial operations and ensuring accuracy in our financial records. Your expertise in Accounting Tally or equivalent ERP Software and MS-Office will be crucial in maintaining our financial health. Your proficiency in spoken and written English will also be important for clear communication within the team.Key Responsibilities Enter vouchers like purchase receipt and payment along with daily based financial transactions expense tracking etc. Prepare financial statements and reports for management review Perform monthly reconciliations of bank accounts and other financial accounts Assist in budgeting and forecasting processes to support strategic planning Ensure compliances with GST ROC ESI and PF along with other financial regulations and company policies Collaborate with other departments to provide financial analysis and support Continuously seek opportunities for process improvements and efficiency gains in financial operationsQualification B.COM BSC (MATHEMATICS)Experience 0 to 2 yrsSalary 15k to 20kLocation chennaiRegards Nedhra 8925114937



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