2 Bedroom Townhouse for Lease in Harrison Milton

JUST LISTED 498 McKim Gate Milton Village Townhouse 2 Bed 2 Bath Hawthorne Village at the Escarpment Nearly 1 200 Sq Ft Open-Concept Living Space Kitchen W Pantry & Breakfast Bar Separate Dining Area Steps Away From Shopping & Mins To Milton GO Transit Extras Fridge Stove Dishwasher Washer Dryer Easy Access To Outdoor Activities Hiking The Bruce Trail Or Enjoying A Round Of Golf At Rattlesnake Point Golf Club MLS s www.eriktaylor.ca idx W9257633 Milton 498-mckim-gate.html Contact Us Today For A Private Viewing Erik TaylorErik Taylor & AssociatesSales Representative RE MAX Realty Specialists Inc 647-402-3066 erik(at)eriktaylor.ca www.eriktaylor.ca



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