Weekend Structural Fitter WelderPay 25 hr.Hours Friday-Sunday 5AM-5 30PM (Work 36 paid 40)Job Type Temp to HireLocation Catoosa OklahomaJob Description The Structural Fitter role requires the ability to lay out fit and weld fabricated components to assemble structural forms with proficiency in blueprint reading for layout. Responsibilities include selecting equipment planning layout assembly and welding. Tasks involve positioning aligning and fitting components using tools such as tape measures squares combination squares levels and others according to blueprints. Simple mathematical calculations are necessary to determine part dimensions. The role also includes performing 100% first article inspections setting up welding machines and operating cutting and plasma torches as well as small saws and iron machines. Repair duties involve dismantling straightening reshaping and reassembling parts. Forklift operation is a plus. The candidate should be able to identify and select different types of materials operate various power tools and manually load trucks. Additional requirements include regular attendance punctuality the ability to work cooperatively and passing the American Welding Society 2G Plate Test Welding Bureau certification. One year of structural fitting experience is recommended.Job Order 118020Stand-By Personnel Welding DivisionWe take walk-in applications from 7 00am to 3 00pm Monday-Friday.Office Location 1531 East 2nd Street Tulsa Oklahoma 74120 near the corner of Hwy 244 East and Utica.You can apply online at www.standbypersonnel.comSend your resume to resume(at)standbypersonnel.comFollow us on Facebook s www.facebook.com weldingjobstulsa Stand-By Personnel offers very competitive referral bonuses -- 125 for a skilled worker and 200 for a welder. We also offer a 50.00 advance after your first day of work.Stand-By Personnel s Welding Division is a proven leader when it comes finding welders jobs. Stand-By staff s welders for many of the top companies in Oklahoma. Stand-By is the only staffing company that offers weld testing and has an onsite State Certified Weld Testing Facility.
Category: Employment & Jobs
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